Make Beat with GrooveMixer
In this tutorial, you'll learn how to create your first music beat with GrooveMixer app. Swipe down to read or watch video this tutorial on YouTube.
New groove
Touch menu and select "New groove" item

Pattern 1
Touch pattern to edit it

Add sounds to the project
Touch empty channel

Empty sample list
Touch icon to add sounds from your sdcard

File manager
Touch "808" folder to open it

Add sample
Swipe down and touch 808-hhc.wav sound. Add it to the sample list

Add kick drum
Do the same to add 808-kick.wav sound

Add snare drum
Add 808-snare.wav sound and press back to close file manager

Sample list with added sounds
Now you need to pick a sound to current channel and go back to pattern editor

Add notes
Pick other sounds to other channels and add notes by touching cells

Rename pattern
Let's rename pattern with long touch on it

Set pattern name
Confirm a name and add new pattern

Pattern 2
Touch Pattern 2 to edit it

Edit Pattern 2
Add sounds and notes like on the picture

Edit Pattern 3

Edit and save the track
Touch cells like on the picture. Play the track (the first left button on the top).
Save your song

Save the track
Type a name. Choose groove format. Press Save button

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